SDC Welcomes New Students in the First Week

  • Published: 2014-08-30
  • 798



2ndSept 2013



3rdSept 2013


4th Sept 2013


5th Sept 2013


6th Sept 2013

Individual programme for each of the seven Master’s programmes.


Time: 9:00 am


NEU: N110

Nano: N301

WE: N306

CBE: N308

Omics: N313

IM: N406

PM: N408

Bus departure at 06.45from Zhongguancun.


Followed by trip to the Great Wall at Mutianyu 



Time:     08:30

Classroom: S106

Physical Examination

IM students start at 7:30

Other students start at 7:50


Note: students need to take their ID card and student smart card.

For details, go to:

SDC Opening Ceremony




Students visit their research institutes (Beijing only).


Arrangements would be announced by their institutes.

Time : 13:30


Individual programme for each of the seven Master’s programmes

Time : 13:00


SDC Sports Day

Venue: Zhongguancu n Campus