Japanese Scholar Expands on Relationship between Japanese Media and Science on Yanqihu Campus

  • Published: 2014-03-14
  • 667


Prof. Shiro Segawa of Waseda University delivered two lectures on the relationship between science and media on the UCAS Yanqihu campus on Nov. 5.


His lecture titled “Japanese Media and Science News Coverage” in the afternoon focused on the history and current state of Japan’s science news coverage. After briefing about how Japanese newspapers and TV stations cover science news, his presentation shed light on the origin and evolvement of Japan’s department of science. Segawa also touched upon the characteristics and problems of crisis coverage using the nuclear pollution as an example.


During another lecture in the everning, Segawa focused on the “science media center” of Japan which bridges scholars and the media.


“His lectures about the relationship between science and media in Japan have not only helped us know more about Japan, but also provided some enlightening thoughts about China’s science communications,” said Wang, a student of the Department of Journalism and Communication of the UCAS.


Graduated from the University of Tokyo, Segawa is now a professor in the Graduate School of Political Science, Waseda University. He has rich experience in Japan’s press sector as a retired veteran journalist at the Mainichi Shimbun.