Meeting on International Students Education Convened at UCAS

  • Published: 2014-03-14
  • 594

A meeting on international students education was convened on the morning of Jan. 3 at the Yuquanlu campus of UCAS. Relevant staff members from nearly 40 CAS institutes in Beijing participated in the meeting.


Wu Yueliang, Executive President of UCAS gave a keynote speech. Wu Yueliang firstly reviewed the work done by UCAS in regard of international students’ education for the past dozen of years. He also pointed out the relevant great opportunities and severe challenges UCAS faces at present. UCAS shall take advantage of its unique educational resources to address the challenges and seize the opportunities. Wu’s speech attached a great importance to the 12 measures adopted by UCAS recently in order to promote international students education and the internationalization of UCAS.



Zhu Xiangbin, Assistant President of UCAS, gave a report on CAS-TWAS President’s Fellowship and Xie Yong, Deputy Director of the International Affairs Office, gave a report on the rules and regulations on the management of international students. A report on the teaching of international students at UCAS was also made.




(Written by Tian Yanqiong)