A letter to the hero who is working in the front of the battle

  • Babak
  • Published: 2020-02-13
  • 2826

This letter is dedicated to;

The kind and lovely people of china, especially doctors, nurses and all the hospital staff as hero.


I want to say in honest way to the entire world what I saw in china during black angle outbreak:

I saw breeze of Kindness in their harts

I saw real meaning of sacrifice and courage, like a pearl in a mussel in their tear drops.

Although, their endurance occasionally challenged by cowardly aspect of nature.

But does not matter; bestrong,

“Rose water can only be obtained by boiling the flowers”.

The nature storm may muddy the wall fall for a moment and cut down the thin trees, but after that, the waterfall will flow more smoothly and the roots of trees will be stronger than before.

The autumn cloud may cause to the dark sky, but in spring again the blue sky along with dancing stars of this red silk carpet will stroke the eyes more than before


Be strong, be strong, be strong lovely stars

Because, the shiny twinkling is belong to the strong stars.

You are proud of us

Believe you

Love you


Author: Babak