His feeling about the Corona virus

  • Wijesooriya Arachchilage Samadhi Wathsala lakmini
  • Published: 2020-02-19
  • 2738

Fever, headaches, cough, 

fatigue, shortness of breathing

No response to medicine

Oh Corona virus…! What is this hell?

Are you playing with me?

Am I your host?

Why did you come to my body 

without my permission?

I fear you, I’m afraid of you….

I don’t like to hear your name...


Please get out of my body

I want to live in this world

I want to smile again

Please give me a chance to breathe again


——Wijesooriya Arachchilage 

Samadhi Wathsala lakmini

Institute-South China sea institute 

of Oceanology, Guangzhou, 

University of Chinese Academy of Sciences