Lecture notice: Astronomy in Ancient China

  • International Students Office
  • Published: 2020-03-26
  • 3370



Sky-Gazing and Season-Granting: Astronomy in Ancient China

Time  March 26, 2020 14:00-16:30

Language  English

Audience  Students of UCAS


Meetingroom ID  382 420 648

Login https://meeting.tencent.com/s/5IsRpwBe17f22

(See the attachment: user guide of Tencent meeting software)

【内容简介】 天文学是中国古代最为发达,并最能展示中国文明的科学。 最近发现的4000年前的陶寺遗址很可能是世界上最早的天文台。中国古代发明了大量的天文仪器。北宋苏颂建造的水运仪象台,是集天文观测、演示与报时为一体的自动化天文台,代表了中国古代天文仪器史的顶峰。制定历法是中国帝王的政治要务。中国古代历法用数值方法推算日月五星天象和位置,其计算五星运动的精度在11世纪就达到了欧洲16世纪的水平。天文星占具有重要的政治意义,这是中国古代保持了连续最长的天象记录的原因。这些记录为现代天文学提供了独一无二、极有价值的天文数据。观象授时是中国古代天文学的两大主旋律,由此构成了中国古代追求天人合一的永恒主题。

The most advanced science in ancient China, and the one which seems to throw the most light on Chinese civilization, is astronomy. The recently discovered Taosi site is perhaps the earliest astronomical observatory in China, dated 4000 years before present. The Chinese had invented many astronomical instruments, culminating with the invention in the eleventh century of the water-powered astronomical clock tower
which combined observation, demonstration of celestial movements, and time-reporting into one automatic system. Calendar-making was one of the top priorities of the Chinese rulers. The Chinese calendar provided numerical methods for predicting celestial events such as eclipses and planetary motions. By the eleventh century the accuracy in prediction of planetary motions in China reached the same level as that in sixteenth century Europe. Portent astrology was of utmost importance to the state because it indicated the ruler’s performance in governing. That is why the Chinese had maintained the longest continuous records of celestial phenomena, some of which prove to be unique and invaluable data for modern astronomy. Sky-gazing and season-granting were the two major themes of ancient Chinese astronomy, which constituted an eternal Chinese agenda for bringing Heaven and Man into a harmonious unity.

孙小淳,中国科学院大学人文学院常务副院长、教授。1993年获中国科学院自然科学史研究所理学博士学位,2007年获美国宾夕法尼亚大学哲学博士学位。从事天文学史研究,著有《中国汉代星空》(The Chinese Sky During the Han)及多篇学术论文。现任国际哲学与人文科学理事会(CIPSH)执委、中国科学技术史学会理事长等职。2016年当选为国际科学史学院(IAHS)院士。

SUN Xiaochun is Professor and Acting Dean of School of Humanities, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph.D. in History of Astronomy from the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1993 and his second Ph.D. in History and Sociology of Science from the University of Pennsylvania in 2007. His co-authored book The Chinese Sky during the Han (Leiden: Brill, 1997) presents a reconstruction of the Chinese Constellations based on the study of the earliest Chinese star catalogue (ca. 100 BC), which is comparable in its historical significance to that of Ptolemy of the Greek. He has published extensively on the history of Chinese astronomy. Currently he serves as President of Chinese Society for the History of Science and Technology, and Executive Member of International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH). He is an Effective Member of the International Academy of History of Science (IAHS).





Installation and operation instructions for Tencent Meeting

  1. 安装Setup            

  • 腾讯会议支持macOS/Windows/iOS/Android/微信小程序
    Tencent Meeting supports Mac OS / Windows / IOS / Android / wechat miniprogram

  • 选择一个主流的浏览器(如谷歌、火狐、IE等);
    Select the mainstream browsers (such as Google, Firefox, ie, etc.)

  • 打开浏览器,输入以下网址:https://meeting.tencent.com/download-center.html?from=1001

    Open the browser, enter https://meeting.tencent.com/download-center.html?from=1001

  • 进入网页后,选择您合适的设备下载软件,如果需用微信小程序进入,请参考:3、微信小程序使用腾讯会议
    After entering the download page, click a proper program for your device to download

  • 下载完成后双击进行安装,单击以下窗口中的“是”
    After downloading, double-click to enter the installation phase, and the interface as shown below will pop up and click “yes” (The first one)

  • 单击“我接受”,进入安装目录选择界面
    This is the product license agreement of the video conference system. Click "I accept"(the first one) and the program will continue to install. You will be prompted to select the installation directory, as shown in the following figure:

  • 单击安装
    Press the default setting, click the "Installation"(the middle one) button to continue the program installation, as shown in the following figure:

  • 完成安装后,桌面会出现以下图标
    After completion, the desktop will generate the following icons

  • 双击即可进入程序
    Double click to open to access the software          

  1. 使用说明
    Platform use and operation          


  • 打开程序后,单击左上角的设置按钮可以选择更改语言(中文此步跳过)

    After opening the program, click the setting button in the upper left corner to choose to change the language


  • 切换语言时会需要重启程序,单击确认继续,重启后再次打开
    When switching languages, you need to restart the program. Click OK(The second one) to continue, and then open it again


  • 首次登陆需要注册或使用微信登陆,手机注册输入电话号码并点击获取验证码,输入验证码后单击登陆
    For the first login, you need to register or use wechat to log in. For mobile phone registration, enter the phone number and click to get the verification code. After entering the verification code, click log in

  • 登陆后进入以下界面,单击加入会议,输入会议以下会议ID或者单击以下链接,直接进入会议
    会议ID382 420 648


    After logging in, enter the following interface, click to join the meeting, enter the meeting ID below or click the link below to enter the meeting directly

    Meeting ID382 420 648
    Meeting link

  • 进入会议后可以通过最下方的按钮进行麦克风与摄像头的打开与关闭,共享桌面等

    After entering the meeting, you can turn on and off the microphone and camera through the bottom button, share the desktop, etc

    Alternative approach微信小程序使用说明
    Tencent meeting in miniprogram of Wechat

  • 在微信中长按以下二维码,前往腾讯会议进入会议
    long press the following QR code in wechat to enter Tencent Conference(The fourth bottom)



  • 小程序中使用同上,但每次退出后需重新进入
    The use is same as above in mini program, but you need to re-enter after each exit