UCAS activity: Good morning, UCAS!

  • 高塬
  • Published: 2020-03-20
  • 289

GUO KE, ZAO AN (Good morning, UCAS)! A simple greeting is spreading between UCASers wechat.

The greeing is a part of daily check-in activity hold by student union of University of Chinese  Academy of Sciences (UCAS) from March 16 to April 5. Since the outbreak of COVID-19, people in China are required to stay at home for several months to aviod being infected. To encourage students to keep healthy life during this special anti-epidemic period and help them keep studying efficiently, the student union designed the activity, asking UCAS students to say good morning on wechat every day before 8:00 a.m., for those who participates for 21 days or the teams participate for 14 days, a chance to receive various gifts are provided. The activity is warmly welcomed and actively participated by UCAS students. 



Editor: GAO Yuan