SDC Souvenir Design Competition

  • 高塬
  • Published: 2021-04-30
  • 290291


To increase the influence of SDC, SDC is now collecting souvenirs, mascots design ideas which can directly represent the typical features of the college. Welcome all the students express ideas about the souvenirs design and participate in this campaign. 

·Targeted participants

All faculty and students in UCAS (including senior students and international students) are welcome to participate the deisgn campaign. 

Participants may participate in the competition individually or in groups. The number of participants of each team (or each piece of work) shall not over 3 person.


(1) You could design any products that not limit here, such as clothing (clothes, hats, accessories, etc.), digital products (USB, mouse pad, computer bag, mobile phone holder, etc.), calender, umbrella, cups, key ring, and so on. 

(2) The works should be able to show the feature and spirit of SDC, with unique creativity, good concept, beautiful color, strong visual impression and intuitive feeling, easy to identify and remember;

(3) The design draft is not limited to software, and can be used for two-dimensional and three-dimensional design. The documents in picture format (jpg or PNG) should be submitted. If there is a source document, it should be submitted together (such as PSD). If there are more than one page, please mark 1, 2, 3, etc -The author's name is as follows: 1-(name).jpg;

(4) Any information related to the creator should not appear in the design manuscript. All such information can only be filled in the application as required.

·Submission requirements

Participants are required to submit image format files (jpg or PNG) and source files (such as PSD). Participants are requested to keep their own source documents and manuscripts. All contributions will not be returned. When using Photoshop and other graphic design software for design, CMYK color mode and high resolution (300dpi and above) are used to ensure that the print is clear and visible; when using hand-painted design, the manuscript must be submitted after high-definition scanning (300dpi and above). The participants shall bear the consequences for the unclear scanning which affects the score.

Each applicant should submit the following documents in addition to his or her work.

1. the corresponding "SDC Souvenir Design Activity Application Form"(the "Application Form").

2. the"Confirmation on the copyright of the creator of the works submitted to SDC Souvenir Design Competition " (the "Confirmation").

One copy of the Application Form and one copy of the Confirmation should be submitted for each work, which should be properly filled out and signed by the applicant, and must be signed jointly by the collective creators.

If any of the above documents is missing, the entry will be considered invalid and cannot participate in the selection of this call for entries. The same applicant can submit more than one work

·Contribution mode

The submitted works and relevant documents shall be delivered by e-mail, and the electronic documents of the works, application form and confirmation shall be sent to the The subject of the e-mail is: collection of creative works by SDC + author's name + contact number.

·Submission deadline

May 25, 2021

·Selection method

After reviewing the materials, the teachers and judges conducted preliminary reviews to select 20 entries that meet the requirements of the competition. It will be display on the SDC official wechat account from May 25, 2021 for 3 days and will be open voting.


·Other instructions

(1) Once the application work is delivered, it shall be deemed that the applicant has fully understood and fully accepted the collection rules. Those who do not meet the requirements of these rules may make corrections before the deadline.

(2) SDC has the final right to decide the production of cultural and creative works.


Click here to download the Application Form and Confirmation letter :-D (Password: g6bu)