CAS Vice-President Prof. Tan Tieniu Meets Danish Minister

  • Published: 2015-12-24
  • 545
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Prof. Tan Tieniu, CAS Vice-President, met with a Danish delegation led by Mr. Esben Lunde Larsen, Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science, at the Zhongguancun Basic Science Park of CAS on December 17.

Prof. Tan welcomed the Danish guests and congratulated Mr. Larsen for being appointed as the Danish Minister for Higher Education and Science. Mr. Larsen expressed his appreciation and said he was delighted to discuss cooperation with CAS leaders.

Prof. Tan introduced CAS, its scientific achievements and its leadership in China’s technological development. He emphasized the high priority CAS places on cooperation and exchange with Denmark, noting the Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC) as an example.

Mr. Larsen said that SDC has been a major educational investment abroad for the Danish government with significant progress. Denmark's scientific sector has expressed their confidence in future collaboration between CAS and UCAS.

Mr. Larsen met and talked with SDC students about life in Beijing and study at SDC. He visited the SDC building at the UCAS Yanqihu Campus the following day.

by Zhao Zongyi