Kavli ITS Workshop on "Machine learning and Many-Body Physics"

  • Published: 2017-12-18
  • 359

The Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (Kavli ITS) holds an international conference on "Machine learning and Many-Body Physics" from June 28th to July 7th. During June 28th to 30th, nine lecturers from both industry and academia gave excellent tutorial lectures covering the basics of machine learning, computational many-body approaches, and the frontier of the newly emerging field "quantum machine learning." The lecturers include Dr. Wei-Shan Dong from Baidu research, Prof. Matthias Rupp from FHI Berlin, and seven others from prestigious institutes and universities all around the world. These tutorial lectures attracted over 130 participants, among them many are graduate and undergraduate students.

Wei-Shan Dong (Baidu Research) gives an introduction to machine learning

An blackboard talk by Xun Gao (Tsinghua IIIS)

(Photos By: Song Cheng, IOP, CAS)

Starting from July 3rd, there will be a one-week conference with around 30 speakers coming from China, Japan, Europe, and North America. The talks will cover a broad range of topics including conceptual connections of machine learning and many-body physics, machine learning techniques for solving challenging physics/chemistry problems, statistical and quantum physics perspectives on machine learning, and accelerated machine learning with quantum algorithms or hardware. The program features a public lecture by the director of Google Quantum Artificial Intelligence Lab, Hartmut Neven on Wednesday afternoon (joint session with QCS workshop, link to their news), as well as a Rump Session on the future of this young interdisciplinary field on Thursday afternoon.