Three UCAS professors from College of Materials Science and Opto·Electronic Technology win Ho Leung Ho Lee Foundation prize

  • 高塬
  • Published: 2020-11-07
  • 4335

On November 3, the Ho Leung Ho LEE Fund's 2020 Awards Conference was held in Beijing. The Ho-Liang Ho-Li Foundation Award of Science and Technology is delivered to 52 Chinese Scientists, including Prof. ZHAO Yuliang, Prof. WANG Weihua and Prof. LI Jinmin from College of Materials Science and Opto·Electronic Technology at University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. ZHAO and WANG are members of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The He Liang He Li Fund was founded in 1994 by Hong Kong patriotic financiers HE Shanheng, LIANG Qianju, HE Tian, and LI Guowei, aiming at rewarding the outstanding Chinese scientists for their achievements helping to the modernization of the country.



Editor: GAO Yuan