UCAS hosts 2023 International Cultural Festival

  • 李欢
  • Published: 2023-10-21
  • 10311

On October 14th, 2023, a grand international cultural festival occurred at the Yuquanlu Campus of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS), marking a resounding success. This event united students from over 30 countries and regions spanning Asia, Europe, and Africa, spotlighting the incredible diversity and global cultural richness. More than 3,000 Chinese and international faculty and students participated with zeal, while live photo streams amassed a staggering 350,000 views, electrifying the atmosphere.

YANG Guoqiang, Vice President of UCAS, honored the gathering with his attendance and inspiring words. He warmly invited all teachers, students, and alumni to partake in the International Cultural Festival in honor of the 45th anniversary of UCAS. YANG delved into the current state of international students at UCAS, acknowledged the institution's significant strides in international student education over the past decade—aligning with the 10th anniversary of "the Belt and Road Initiative"—and called upon young minds worldwide to engage in collective learning, deepen mutual understanding, and champion the vision of "a global community of shared future."


Speech by YANG Guoqiang, Vice President of UCAS

The festival featured a tapestry of cultures as international students proudly presented their countries' unique traditions, landscapes, cuisines, and attire. In harmony with their Chinese counterparts, students from nations like Nepal and Rwanda captivated audiences with riveting folk music and dance. Mike, a student from Rwanda, sang a Chinese song titled Waiting, showcasing his affection for Chinese culture. In an open talent segment, music transcended borders and language divides, stirring a collective vibe of friendship, unity, and joy.


Dances Performed by Nepalese Students


Dances Performed by Rwandan Students


Guzheng Performance by a Chinese Student

A symphony of melodies continuously resonated from the stage while the cultural booths bustled. Attendees eagerly participated in a stamp collection activity, using the "Passports of the International Culture Festival of UCAS" at these booths. This endeavor allowed them to embark on a virtual global journey without leaving the campus. Delights such as Danish beer, Ukrainian pickled ham with black bread, aromatic Ceylon black tea from Sri Lanka, and explorations into why Azerbaijan is dubbed the "Land of Flame" awaited them. A UCAS student on-site remarked that the festival enriched his appreciation for diverse cultures, reinforcing his bond with the notion of a global community of shared future and his cherished institution. An online participant commented, "This immersive journey through various cultures, rich traditions, and historical landscapes has been invigorating. The world is truly fascinating due to its diversity and beauty rooted in inclusivity!"


Bustling Cultural Booths


Stamp Their Cultural Passports at Booths


Colored Painting on Hands


Danish Dessert


Introduction of Local Language and Culture


Display of Traditional Musical Instruments in the Middle East


Crafts at the Cultural Booths


Loaded with Prizes and Gifts

"Civilization flourishes with dialogue, and richness emerges from shared learning." The International Cultural Festival served as a beacon for cultural exchange, allowing students to embrace and express their identities. It crafted a setting where Chinese and international faculty and students reveled in a mutual, inclusive, and open cultural exchange. UCAS became a stage where all faculty and students witnessed the harmonious blending of diverse cultures, forging cross-border friendships and joyously cheering, "Happy birthday to UCAS!". Each smile and interaction epitomized the spirit of global friendship. Regardless of origin, the symphony of cultures can unite us, passing the torch of friendship and shared cultural heritage.


A Group Photo for the Event


Extension: University of Chinese Academy of Sciences (UCAS) officially began admitting international students in 2004. Since the inception of “the Belt and Road Initiative” in 2013, UCAS has made remarkable strides in nurturing international students. Currently, there are 2,004 international students from 99 countries, studying at 96 UCAS colleges and CAS institutes for 100 majors. Those include 1,271 doctoral candidates and 710 master’s students.




Live photo stream: https://as.alltuu.com/album/1301617704/?from=link&menu=live