2016 International Student Forum at UCAS

  • Published: 2016-06-15
  • 2186

The 2016 International Student Forum was held on June 13th at UCAS. Initiated in 2004 by CAS and the University of Tokyo, the forum, which concentrates on life sciences and medicine, has been held in China, Japan, the United States, Australia and Denmark.  Over the last 11 years, a total of 700 PhD students have participated in the forum.

This is the third time for China to hold the forum. This year it attracted 80 students and teachers from UCAS (China), University of Nebraska Medical center (USA), University of Aberdeen (UK), Griffith University (GU), University of Tasmania (Australia), and University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), who gathered at UCAS Yanqihu campus.

In the opening ceremony, both Professor Wu Yueliang, Vice-President of UCASand Professor Sarah Todd, Vice-President of GU, expressed hope that the students and scholars from different regions communicate freely with each other with an inclusive and open attitude during the 4-day forum. Both the student representative and the teacher representative also gave speeches.

This year’s International Student Forum focused on cancer biology, drug delivery/ medical chemistry, immunology, molecular cell biology, neurobiology, stem cell biology, and other areas of the biological sciences. All participants had opportunities to discuss their research findings at the forum.

In addition, the forum arranged several activities including a visit to the Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs and Man-made Satellite Museum, the Capital Museum and more.

By Zhao Hanzhi, Wang Tong, Zhang Min