Dong Junshe Meets with the Former NTT DATA President Iwamoto Toshio

  • LI Wenxuan
  • Published: 2018-11-05
  • 1652

Former President and CEO, and current Principal Executive Advisor of NTT DATA, Iwamoto Toshio, led a delegation to visit UCAS. Prof. Dong Junshe, the Executive Vice Chairman of University Council and Vice President of UCAS, met with the guests at the Yanqihu campus. Prof. Li Yucheng, Director of the Laboratory of Parallel Software and Computational Science of the Institute of Software, CAS, was also present.


Prof. Dong welcomed the Japanese visitors and briefed them on the development, campuses, faculty, and management of UCAS, as well as the mode of undergraduate education at the university. Prof. Dong also provided an overview the joint programs between UCAS and relevant Japanese universities and scientific institutions.

Prof. Dong said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the China – Japan Treaty of Peace and Friendship, the 40th anniversary of the implementation of Reform and Opening - up policy in China, and the 40th anniversary of UCAS. He emphasized that UCAS is eager to cooperate with NTT DATA in education and research.

Iwamoto Toshio introduced the development of NTT DATA, as well as the scope of its business, highlighting the cooperation between NTT DATA and Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), especially the Joint Research Center launched by NTT DATA and the Institute of Software, CAS. Iwamoto Toshio added that this year also marks the 30th anniversary of the foundation of NTT DATA. NTT DATA is also interested in cooperating with UCAS and promoting youth exchanges between China and Japan.


Iwamoto Toshio subsequently delivered a keynote speech at the Yanqi Lake Eminent Speakers Lecture Series entitled “How to Utilize the Digital World to Optimize the New Value – Data, Information, and Intelligence in Competitive Strategy”. The Yanqi Lake Eminent Speakers Lecture Series, which is the highest-level academic forum held at UCAS, is an important academic activity for UCAS to build campus culture. The Yanqi Lake Eminent Speakers Lecture was hosted by Prof. Li Yucheng.


NTT DATA is a division of NTT DATA Corporation, a top 10 global IT services provider with 118,000+ employees in more than 50 countries that excels in blending IT and business expertise with decades of industry know-how.

Zhang Yaping, Vice President of CAS, and Iwamoto Toshio, President and CEO of NTT DATA, signed an agreement on behalf of the two sides in January 20, 2017.

By LI Wenxuan