APRU Secretary-General Christopher Tremewan Visits UCAS

  • HUANG Junjie
  • Published: 2019-03-12
  • 2468

On the morning of March 5, Christopher Tremewan, the Secretary-General of APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities), paid a visit to the Yuquan Lu Campus of UCAS. Wang Yanfen, the Deputy Party Secretary and Executive Vice President of UCAS warmly welcomed Mr. Tremewan and received the Certificate of Membership of APRU on UCAS’ behalf.

Christopher Tremewan Conferred the Certificate of Membership to Wang

Wang extended warm welcome to Christopher for his second visit here. She then introduced UCAS’ education mode of integrating research and teaching as well as its advantages in fostering technology talents on the basis of CAS-supported Three-Sphere Integrated Plan. She also demonstrated the great achievements we have made in jointly promoting educational progress with countries along the Belt and Road. Wang said that UCAS was ready to conduct academic and personal exchanges and cooperation with other members of APRU in areas including building world-class universities.

Christopher commended UCAS for her remarkable accomplishments in science and technology, and felt honored to be able to hand over the certificate to UCAS. He wished his visit would facilitate international cooperation and exchanges between APRU and UCAS, hoping that UCAS could offer support in technology policies and talent training so as to help Pacific Rim regions to resolve issues, such as climate change, research on ecological environment systems, prevention and treatment of disasters, aging population, protection of women’s rights and development of digital communities. Christopher continued to welcome UCAS to participate in and apply for hosting grand events of APRU.

People present also included Sherman Cheng, the Director of Administration and Finance of APRU, and Liu Ji’an, the Director of Development and Planning Office of UCAS.


About APRU:

APRU (Association of Pacific Rim Universities) was founded in 1997. Up to March, 2019, it has 50 members. In Chinese Mainland, the seven members are Tsinghua University, Peking University, University of Science and Technology of China, Fudan University, Zhejiang University, Nanjing University and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

APRU aims to create a platform for mutual exchanges and coordinated development among leading research universities in this region so as to advance collaboration among regional economies in science, education and culture. This organization hosts regular Research Symposium, Undergraduate Summer Program, Doctoral Students Conference, Provost’s Forum, Education Deans Meeting and Business Deans Meeting etc. On September 29, 2017, Secretary-General Christopher Tremewan visited UCAS with the news that we were admitted into this association.

Since its joining in the international university organization, UCAS has played its part in academic activities held by APRU in 2018 and conducted exchanges and cooperation with other members in science and education.


By HUANG Junjie

Photo by WANG Jingwei