Speech by DILSHOD AKHROROV at 2022 UCAS Graduation and Degree Awarding Ceremony

  • 高塬
  • Published: 2022-07-03
  • 6036



My name is Dilshod, an international student from Tajikistan. First of all, I and other international students would like to express our gratitude to UCAS and the Chinese Government for the great concern for foreign students. That’s paved way for our academic achievement.

Well done on the hard work that we have finished over the last few years. It has been a tough and long journey, but we’ve made it through and graduated. We can say that we succeeded, but let's think a little bit about what is success?

As Winston Churchill said: “Success is the ability to move from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm”. We need to learn accepting failure before we succeed. We need to learn why we’ve failed and learn from it. How many of you today never failed during your study? Well, I can talk about myself. I don't remember how many journals we’ve tried to submit my paper, and of course, we eventually find one to publish it.

So, it is very important to be passionate in research work. Prepared to fail, but ready to try again. Remember to seek for advice from your peers and mentors. They’re always the good source for you to start with. Remember to be resilient and keep thinking. Think outside the box, think differently to have innovative and creative ideas, which is a very important point and component in science.

Today, we are the light, we are the scholars for this world with our knowledge, experience, skills and with our failures of course. When we walk out this hall today, it’s going to be a new chapter for you tomorrow, with new challenges.

Let’s be aware of the threats that we have in front of us, the changes on climate and agricultural conditions, soils poisoning, the pollution of air and water bodies, unsustainable food systems, and the lack of available natural resources in the coming future.

Solution of these issues is a massive effort, and no single student, scientist or researcher will be able to handle it alone. Together we shall find solution. So, let’s cooperate and work together to make this world a better place.

In the end I wish you Peace, Joy and much light on the future path of everyone here today.




Editor: GAO Yuan